Student of the Month: Kristian Freeman Congratulations to Kristian Freeman for being recognized as Orcas Island High School’s Student of the Month. A well-known student...
From island to island: students explore Japan Commonly known as “the Land of the Rising Sun,” Japan is a country of many wonders. Located in the...
Student of the Month: Justin Krisch-Derr Congratulations to Justin Krisch-Derr for being recognized as Orcas Island High School’s Student of the Month. With worn-down Crocs...
Student of the Month: Aida Cruz Hernandez Congratulations to Aida Irene Cruz Hernandez for being recognized as Student of the Month. Aida Cruz Hernandez, with...
AI hysteria: society debates machine-dominated future “Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we live, work and interact with the world, bringing both opportunities...
Student of the Month December 2022 Congratulations to Sam Torma for being recognized as December’s Student of the Month! Born in Washington, Torma hasn’t always...
Student of the month: if there’s a Will there’s a way Congratulations to Will Stephens for being recognized as Student of the Month. Stephens, a looming figure in the...
Student of the Month: Paxton White Congratulations Paxton White for being recognized as Student of the Month! Paxton White (AKA Pac-Man) is a well recognized...
Ode to Austin A poem by Ryan Krisch-Derr and Theo Vacarella On a cool dewy day in October In the depths of room 603, A student was studying vocab, Unaware...
Featured student: McLovin, our beloved troublemaker Congratulations McLovin for earning the title of Viking Voice’s Student of the Month! Fogell (known as McLovin...
Viking Voice Student of the Month January 2022 Congratulations to Willow White for being January’s featured student! Based on leadership, kindness, and academic excellence, The Viking Voice...
Featured student: Soli Halabisky, Dancing Prodigy Congratulations to Solianna Halabisky for being this issue’s featured student. Based on leadership, kindness, and academic excellence, The Viking...