Student of the month: Leo Battles

Congratulations to Leo Battles–the most recent Student of the Month. Though a freshman; Leo is known throughout the school. A quiet and studious kid, you would be surprised that...

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Jacob Wright: Featured Student

Congratulations to Jacob Wright for being named Orcas Island High School’s Student of the Month. If you have ever seen Wright around school, you will know he is a...

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Harmless Hot Takes

In a world full of polarization, we bring you more. But this time it is only for fun. Get way too invested in dumb things and take a stance...

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Autumn mass consumption and marketing

After a long hot summer, it is now finally autumn. It feels like as soon as the sun sets on the last day of August, shops are filling to...

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A year since October 7th

It has been just over a year since Oct. 7, 2023. Since then, many people in the United States have become more aware that there is a conflict in...

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Girls sailing goes to nationals

For the second year in a row, our high school sailing team qualified for the national sailing race in San Diego. Hosted by the West Coast branch of high...

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Efficacy of the New OIHS Phone Policy

The newly implemented cell phone policy has been a prominent topic of conversation at Orcas Island High School. Only a few months old, students and teachers alike are curious...

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