Student of the Month December 2022

Congratulations to Sam Torma for being recognized as December’s Student of the Month!

Born in Washington, Torma hasn’t always been an island kid. For thirteen years, he spent his youth playing soccer, reading books, and playing with his siblings in the historic border town of Longview.

One of Torma’s many talents includes having a good memory, allowing him to remember important classwork. As well as being self taught on piano, Torma works alongside his father in construction. He sees himself continuing working with his father after high school and traveling the world.

“Sam Torma? Oh yeah, he’s the junior with those golden locks of hair. I really want those nice aviators he always wears. The guy’s a great photographer. I’ve seen some of the great pictures he’s taken, and I really wish he took my senior portraits.” Chris Mullan stated, a close friend of Torma’s. Photography, as well as Photoshop, are strong suits of Torma’s, with the side-hobby taking up much of his free time. His favorite teacher is Zach Parkerson, a vibrant educator on campus known for his Japanese speaking and archery skills.

Friendliness follows Torma wherever he goes, contributing significantly to his nomination as Student of the Month. Thank you Sam Torma, for showing the qualities of an Orcas Island Viking!
