Fauntleroy’s Forum- Valentines Day Dear Fauntleroy, I know you have many admiring fans yet I am your number one. I composed this poem...
Fauntleroy’s Forum Dear Fauntleroy, I have a friend that I exchange gifts with every year but the problem is the value...
Fauntleroy’s Forum: To boa or not to boa? Dear Fauntleroy, Over the summer, I visited the Zoo, and out of all the animals there, my favorite was...
Ready, set, go As many of you know, there is a new spring sport at Orcas Island High School, a new track...
Origins of Christmas traditions: gingerbread, nutcrackers, and spirit Dashing through the store, on a last-minute gift run, dodging all the crowds, while trying to have fun. Chaos...
Due to high enrollment, OIHS students face space crisis Our school is like a tin of sardines. Due to classes getting larger and the school staying the...
Is it real: a terrifying American tale of horror (spooky) The end of the year is fast approaching and all are anxious for the summer of 2022. Just a...