3-D printer creating student designs In a world of space-age technology straight out of Star Trek, such as small tablet computers and Skype, there...
Living under a microscope If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it does it make a sound? If a...
Should We Trust Cl****e Ch***e science? With Floridian leaders declaring the term “climate change” taboo and United States Committee on Science, Space, and Technology members...
Souls of the San Juans: personal stories from students The following are responses from an interview with Orcas High School junior, Kaya Osborne. Man, what’s gonna happen when...
Horoscopes, take 2 Aries: It’s time to go shopping! Your recent influx of money means that the new banana hammock you’ve had...
Kidz Bop, please stop: student playlist Kidz Bop was created in October of 2000, marketed with the slogan “Music by kids, for kids!” Anybody who...
Hey pitcha pitcha: an athlete profile on Emily Nichols Emily Nichols, a junior at Orcas Island High School, plays softball truly for the love of the game. In...
Coffee: after it was cool Consensus from the scientific community has confirmed that within the next six months coffee will no longer be able...
Western features Hansen video Mikaela Hansen started playing music in second grade with Orcas Elementary’s music teacher, Pamela Wright. In the fifth grade...
Aspen’s garden rejuvenated Ray Doss, a junior at Orcas Island High School, and sophomore Keith Light have taken on the distinct honor...
A brief autobiography of a talented student High school is a breeding ground for ill-formed arguments and pointless squabbles. In an environment where there is little...
Former Viking a valued Husky Although Jake Zier missed his graduation ceremony, he has still become a legend of sorts among the Orcas Vikings....