Logan Jones with his coveted spoon / Photographer: Hunter Knapp
Nerves were tense, sweat was flowing. In the distance, you could almost hear The Good the Bad and the Ugly playing. Cards were flipping around at breakneck speeds when a hand shot out and grabbed a spoon. With a victorious laugh, Logan had won.
He had just beat out Solie Halabisky in the final bracket of the Next Generation spoons tournament and brought home a Teezer’s gift card. Coming in second and third were Halabisky and Shaye Spinner respectively. The tournament, which was put on by the Next Generation club, was held over the course of four weeks. The top four players of each week were to move onto the final round, and the top three would each win a Teezer’s gift card.
When I questioned Jones on his winning strategy, he sagely answered “Um, um. My strategy was to um, uh… [T]rust in myself and to believe in, uh, believe in, in the power of something.” When asked if he had anything else that helped, he responded “Using the fuel of my delicious lunch from chef Zach and being powered by my burning hatred of Theo [Vacarella] helped to drive me to the fat dub.” When asked to comment, Vacarella declined to respond.
Jones currently has plans to buy $20 worth of coffee to obliterate the competition at his next spoons tournament.