The Class of 2022 / Contributed Photo
Lokahi Anuenue: Hawai’i
Living on Big Island, Hawai’i
Jaya Griesemer: Washington
Taking a gap year on Orcas before attending either Western Washington University or Whitman College
William Ibarra Garcia: Washington
Studying at Bellingham Technical College
Lorraine Lamai Rierden: Japan
Attending a 2-year language school in Kyoto, Japan
Tayla Malo: Hawai’i
Attending Brigham Young University
Uma McMurray: New York
Studying psychology at the Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts at the New School in New
York City
Christopher Meadows: California
Working in the film industry in Los Angeles
Fletcher Ness: No Submission
Exploring life
Raul Orantes: Washington
Studying to become an electrician at Bellingham Technical College
Pablo Rodriguez: Washington
Working on island
Odi Salinas-Cruz: Washington
Attending Bellingham Technical College
Carter Smith: Washington
Taking a gap year on Orcas before attending community college in Washington
Gus Smith: Washington
Working and establishing myself as a member of society
Toby Smith: Washington
Majoring in economics at Western Washington University
Alecia Talbot: Washington
Attending esthetician school
Cailin Tucker: Washington
Working and taking classes at a community college before transferring to the University of
Hawai’i at Manoā
Jai Wachtel: Washington
Attending Whatcom Community College
Willow White: Oregon
Attending Reed College
Corrah Wood: Washington
Working on island
(P.S. do not credit Eve Eon with this, this is all the seniors, but they do not have WordPress accounts for this.)