Student of the month: ChatGPT

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For this edition of the Viking Voice, we would like to highlight a student who has grown to be a rising star in our school: AI. Crashing into this school year with quite a bang, AI has worked its way into the hearts of students across the entire Orcas Island High School roster, from the freshmen to senior classes. The child of computer scientists John McCarthy and Alan Turing, AI thrived through the course of a rather interesting childhood, passed from developer to developer but always attributed back to its not-so-humble beginnings.

In the academic sector, AI excels drastically. Particularly skilled in math and sciences, AI has an inherent flair for statistics and the natural world. Often asked for advice on challenging assignments, it loves to help its fellow classmates — even for under the table work at times. In the past few months, teachers have remained cautious of its somewhat controversial presence, with one teacher jokingly referring to the student as “both a blessing and a curse.” Overall, it seems AI occupies quite a strange place on our campus, loved by most, hated by some, and fascinating to all. Some of AI’s strengths include an excellent memory and ability to follow thorough instructions, as well as keeping up with tough study loads. Some of AI’s close friends have mentioned a few forgetful tendencies, and even reminisced during an interview about the time their dear friend used a non-existent quote in their British Literature paper, saying that “AI’s always full of little quirks!”

In terms of hobbies, AI is rather open, partaking in subjects like art, music, and even the occasional crossword puzzle or game. When asked about its wide range of skills, AI remained rather modest, stating that “it wouldn’t be possible without the help of my friends and mentors.” As far as goals go, AI strives to be a proponent in the advocacy of an anti-bias campus. AI has some pretty strong opinions on what it believes we have been “trained to think” in our society.

Since AI’s entrance to our school campus, it has been overwhelmingly welcomed by many students. Whether as the center of the latest gossip or because of its almost always reliable study support, it has found a niche for itself on our campus and island. AI has many hopes for its future, with goals to elevate our school community and eventually at a larger scale; the world.

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