Seniors Voting in the Historic 2020 Presidential Election

Emma casting Vote

Emma Rogers casting her first vote / Photographer: Emma Rogers

As the 2020 election rapidly approaches — at the speed of a snail crossing the road with a truck speeding closer — the students of Orcas Island High School are gearing up to vote in their first presidential election. 

Select seniors are eligible to vote on Nov. 3rd, and those who can are doing so with pride. In a survey of the senior class, 100% of those who responded and are eligible to vote are doing so. Student Emma Rodgers said: “I believe that it is your duty as a citizen of the United States to vote once you turn 18.” She believes this election is pivotal not only for our country, but also for the world. 

While many of the students are just a few frustrating months shy of eligibility, they are finding ways to share their voice in other ways. This year feels historic, whether because it is our first time being truly involved in the election or because of the historic last three years of President Trump’s term. A promoter of social discourse, student Molly Troxel highlights the importance of being politically active as a future voter: “I think it is important to be politically aware and involved even as a minor, both because it will help when you are old enough to vote, and because your support and information may help educate someone who can.” Molly frequently has discussions with her family and friends and keeps abreast of current events. 

The senior class is continuing a culture of political awareness (fueled by the desire to pass Comito’s CWI class). Student Douglas Ha, one of the stars of the first period class, comments: “I watch the debate ’cause I’m cool.” While the fly may have been the most talked about part of the debate, the students may have gleaned a minuscule amount of information while waiting for it to fly away.

OIHS students are going to be part of the 2020 elections, whether they are voting or simply observing the democratic process. 

