The goal of our club is to create a dialogue within our school and our community about current gender-related issues. We will educate through art, fundraising, and organized events. These activities will not only educate, they will empower!
We are currently making posters and coming up with new ideas for different projects and fundraisers. All ideas for future projects are welcome!

President Lauren Ferrell being positive about gender issues! – Image Credit: Devon Mann
We would LOVE to have more members. We want to know how YOU feel about different gender-related issues within our school and our community. Even if you don’t think of yourself as a feminist, we want to hear what you have to say. If you’re interested, stop by Room 609 (Ms. Collister’s room) on Monday after school. Meetings start at 3:15 and end at around 4:15.
-President, Lauren Ferrell