Cuba: A Look Back Orcas Island High School is known for its annual student trip to Japan. This year, Heidi Bruce, one of...
Sailing Hits Nationals This past week, the Orcas Sailing Team competed for the first time in an annual sailing tournament hosted in...
Man Steps in Front of Car to Avoid Piercing Glare of Mr. Austin Police report that a student of Orcas High School was severely injured when he stepped in front of...
Chicken: A Personal Account of Woe I spotted the small chicken on a brisk winter day; her shining-black plumage, cheerful gait, and piercing eyes drew...
San Juan Islands to Build Bernie Sanders Statue Likened to Christ the Redeemer San Juan County has vehemently opposed the newly inaugurated Donald Trump. To show solidarity against the President, Orcas Public...
A Foray Into The Oligarchical Cesspit That Is The Senior Class What led class leader Matia Schwartz down this dark and dismal path of tyrannical rule? What actions were made...