Student of the Month: Orlando Ljubic

Orlando Ljubic and his blueberry Eggos / Photographer: Ljubic himself

Congratulations to Orlando Ljubic for being selected as Orcas Island High School’s Student of the Month. A prominent member of the Freshman Class of 2027, Orlando is a notably outgoing and well-known student among his peers. Born December 9th, 2008, Ljubic began his life in Palo Alto, California before eventually moving up to Orcas Island in 2014, where he’s remained since. Ljubic has one older brother Dante, and is the son of Ms. Leisha and Mr. Ljubic. He also has a dog, Blueberry, and a cat named Spycat.

Being active in his community and staying outdoors has been an important part of Ljubic’s values his entire life. This year, Ljubic joined basketball for the first time and has made a bright impact on the team, where his peers encourage him to continue his career next season. Ljubic is also in the Sailing team, which is his favorite sport and also his current passion. “I love the wind blowing through my hair, it’s really nice,” Ljubic stated. He also is a member of Band, where he plays trumpet.

Some of Orlando’s personal hobbies include baking, playing Fortnite, and spending time outside. The smell of the crisp air and satisfaction of reaching a new spot with a scenic view are some of the many things Ljubic credits to outdoor walks. When it is a little too chilly outside, he enjoys baking fresh cookies for his family and friends. Ljubic is also an intermediate snowboarder, and loves to go out on a road trip whenever invited by his buddies. Always eager to encourage others and have fun, Ljubic has a bright character that lights up the room whenever he is present.

Looking beyond high school, Ljubic has an aspiration to explore what is out there and “just get off this rock called Orcas.” He plans on spending some time after high school to sail around the world, before eventually pursuing a possible career in his mother’s footsteps by entering the medical field. Being an excelling student, there is no doubt that Orlando will be able to pursue his dreams, since his strong work ethic and perseverance are reflected by his good grades and his presence in the student body.

Some niche features of Ljubic’s character include his love of building ridiculous Lego vehicles and getting his skincare done. He is also an immaculate tempo-keeper, very repeatedly proven by his skills in Rhythm Heaven Fever, a Wii console music game released in 2011, which he has emulated onto his computer. His last name Ljubic means “to kiss” in Croatian. Ljubic also enjoys playing Tekken 3, a PS1 fighting game, where he mains Yoshimitsu and that one stupid kicking attack.

“I swear he just spams that dumb kicking combo. There’s no skill in it. But how do I counter something that stunlocks me every time?” remarked Mirah Guzauskas, a Lei main. “The only way I can dodge is if I roll on the floor a bunch.” Orlando is a talented fighter nonetheless, whether it is through personal hardships or poorly-rendered fighting games.

Orlando’s cheerfulness and ability to make everyone around him smile makes him a great individual at OIHS. Thank you, Lando, for being an Orcas Vikings role model for the class of 2027.
