Douglas Ha: vaccinated / Photographer: Nisha Woolworth
What are you most looking forward to doing once you are fully vaccinated?
August Moore, freshman: “I would definitely have to say I’m looking forward to good ol’ lake days and intense baking nights with friends the most. Nothing beats a long day paddle boarding or completely CRUSHING everyone else in the kitchen with your top-notch baking skills!!”
Seraphine Knapp, freshman: “Being able to see my friends from where I used to live and being able to travel more.”
Ellie Wright, freshman: “I’m looking forward to visiting my great-grandmother in Washington D.C., she’s 102 and I haven’t seen her since the pandemic started. Our family is waiting until everyone, including my brother and I, are fully vaccinated to go see her.”
Shaye Spinner, sophomore: “Having sleepovers.”
Aida Cruz Hernandez, sophomore: “I’m looking forward to keeping everyone safe by being vaccinated.”
Finn Rubottom, sophomore: “Being able to visit family, especially out of state family. Also, not having to worry as much about getting COVID and spreading it. Mainly just the freedom of being vaccinated, although I have gotten used to not going outside at all.”
Christopher Meadows, junior: “I will hug the homies”
Miette Woolworth, senior: “Driving around the island in the same car with friends, without masks.”
Izie Janecek, senior: “Spending time with friends in a more normal way and getting to meet new people at college without being too scared about getting COVID.”
Anwyn Thompson, senior: “Sleepovers and binge-watching movies with friends while sharing a bowl of popcorn. That’s just one thing out of many :)”
Sofia Fleming, senior: “Hugging people.”