Corruption, Death, and Stephen Hawking: Epstein’s List

One of the biggest criminal cases in our time, Epstein’s Island, is still currently being disclosed to the public. There is still info that has not been revealed which we will have access to sometime in the future. Epstein’s Island was a 75-acre private island owned and used by billionaire financier Jeffery Epstein. On the outside it seemed like a private resort, but a tragic, inhuman secret was lurking below the surface. Jeffery Epstein had been sex trafficking from 1994-2004, sexually abusing a confirmed thirty-six girls, some being as young as fourteen years old. On this secluded Island, Epstein and his romantic partner Ghislaine Maxwell (who has also been charged with sexual assault) would inflict acts to these poor young victims which are indescribable in this paper.

Epstein was accused of sexual abuse in 2008 for procuring a child for prostitution and was arrested once again in 2019. He was sentenced to eight months after the FBI raided his island finding evidence of his crimes. Epstein was later found dead aged 66, hanging from a makeshift noose made from his prison shirt. Although the official ruling is a self hanging suicide, many speculate and theorize that a person of high class, power, and corruption was able to reach him before any more info was disclosed to the court and public. Epstein was always incredibly proud of his social circle of “elites.”

The latest update in this case is the release of the “Epstein List:” A barrage of new names connected to Epstein that has been revealed to public eyes. The list has stirred up quite the storm on the internet and social media. Most notable names are: Michael Jackson, Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, George Lucas, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bruce Willis, Cate Blanchett, and last but by no means in any way shape or form the least: Stephen Hawking. Does this mean that all the people mentioned on Epstein’s list are sexual assaulters? No. This list is filled with people who, in most cases, are connected to Epstein whether that includes working with him through finance, investments, dinners, and other events. The following names are people who have been associated with Epstein and have been accused of sexual assault: Bill Richardson (who according to his press team, died peacefully in his sleep), David Copperfield, Prince Andrew, and Alan Dershowitz.

So what is the take away? Do not assume that everyone connected to Epstein is guilty of sexual assault, no matter your political leaning or disliking for a person. Accusing someone of sexual assault is an extremely serious topic and can shadow or harm real cases of sexual assault. Everything that has been previously written has been sourced on information currently available when this paper was written (January 21, 2024) from independent journalists and an immense array of news outlets ranging from the dates Aug. 13, 2019-Jan. 16, 2024.
