Bond Work Underway at OISD

Excavators in place for bond earthwork / Photographer: Arla Sutton


Many people have been wondering what is really going to happen with the bond project. There will be a lot going on at the school soon, and some of it has already started; the whole project is over 8.5 million dollars of renovations for the school. The new multi-purpose building behind the band room is currently under construction and will be not be completed until August. The fields will be improved and the Old Gym will be renovated, which was the base bid of the bond. The gym will have new locker rooms, a floor refinish, and better bleachers.

The track that everyone has been hearing about is being covered by a separate donation and will be worked on after the field is prepared. There is a waterline running underneath where the track will be, so it must be moved before construction. The beginning of the waterline relocation will begin in mid-February and will be finished in March. Other fieldwork, including removal of the batting cages, will then begin. After that, the track will be put in, as well as a fence around the track which should be finished in Oct. 2019.

Another potential project that has yet to be approved would increase the amount of parking and would reduce traffic around the school.
